Rewards are only available once per account. Rewards will be sent via In-Game Mail during the maintenance on April 14.

Summoner or not, log into the Earthen Realm for at least 7 days during the two-week event period and we’ll reward you with these items that you can save when you do make a Summoner class. Improved quality reupload - YouTube Because when this game hates you and decides you aren't getting any soulstones, the. the spell name and it seems to work how I want it to so far: showtooltip Soulstone. Rewards are only available once per account. Blade & Soul How NOT TO farm soulstones in Soulstone Plains. The further nerf is in the soul conduits (I dont know the name). The following rewards will be mailed for completing the required number of Daily Quests: Bosses are: Captain 3m hp and Fierce 5.8m hp After fierce dies, the driller bot will unearth a random boss. Mining phase: Pick a side (north or south), kill boss mobs that come. The following Daily Quests will qualify for the event: Posted MaCapture phase: Kill main npc (the one that's talking) Capture phase ends. Soulstone Plains Bonus RewardsĮquip your faction uniform and head to Soulstone Plains! Complete 3, 6, and 10 Soulstone Plains Daily Quests during the event period to receive rewards! Reports are unclear on what the object could be, but so far, it’s non-threatening… Get ahead and be prepared for what this UFO encounter could be with these events and rewards. An unidentified flying object was spotted in Zaiwei.