GitHub accounts come in several flavors, grouped by individual or commercial account and by public or private repository.

Finally, I'll walk through a simple diff-to- commit example that demonstrates the everyday power of this distributed code repository. First I'll provide an overview of the platform, then introduce some Git basics, including command-line options that you'll use frequently in GitHub. In this edition of Open source Java projects I will help you get started with GitHub. Social coding with GitHub enables developers to learn from each other in a new way while storing and updating code using a popular, well-featured version control system.

Launched in 2008, GitHub already boasts nearly 1.7 million people hosting nearly 3 million repositories. GitHub is a social coding website and source-code hosting service that uses Git as its version control system. Then try GitHub for yourself, using common Git commands to branch and commit your own open source project. Get an overview of the source code repository that has changed the way that many developers work, both individually and collaboratively. If you've been curious about GitHub then this short tutorial in the Open source Java projects series is for you.