The network mode features the beloved (sarcasm) Online pass, with no trial period. A person could button mash, but those that sit down and really learn the move-sets, are the ones we wouldn’t want to run into online. Knowing when to tag, can be the final factor in your success. This adds another level of strategy to the game. Players can switch between characters in the middle of a combo, team up and do grab moves as a unit. Motion blur is made for fighting games, and this effect helps bring all the other visuals together. Fighters will get sweaty and dirty depending on the stage, all adding to the high presentation mark.

The Character models are well detailed too. You can knock players into other areas DOA style, extending the battle ground. Not simply day and night versions of levels, but serious structural differences. Some stages dazzle, and there’s plenty of places to fight. There’s no force mode, Bowling or any other spin-off challenges in this title. It’s a cool distraction, but it doesn’t fill the mini game void.

Build the Combot to your liking, and take him online in Player matches only. Zany challenges are ultimately designed to get newcomers acquainted with the game, but this mode can be tough even in its early stages. There’s an interesting Fight lab mode where you take your “Combot” into different training exercises. As many have stated, the game as a package, isn’t noob friendly. Some moves do a ton of damage already, combined with the Strong attack/Rage combo, can lead to headaches for newcomers. The rage meter from Tekken 6 returns to give a player’s attacks more power if their near death. For the most part the game feels fair, but there is some lingering issues that must be addressed. The game tries to balance out the life bars depending on the team discrepancies. Teams consist of the popular 2v2, but there’s 1v1,1v2, and 2v1 for those who appreciate gang tactics. Tekken Tag 2 has a roster over 50, so finding your favorite might take a while. These numerated sequels added new moves to our favorite brawlers, and brought in additional fighters, that fit well into the series. The great thing about this new edition, is that during the Tekken Tag drought, Regular Tekken games have released. Tekken Tag Tournament 2 is a sequel to one of the best fighters on PS2.